How St. George benefits the community

St. George will create jobs, economic value, and a range of other benefits for the people of Silistra. This will include direct employment opportunities, increased demand for local goods and services, and the stimulation of economic growth.

Employment Opportunities

In the construction phase of the project, up to 200 people will be hired, with as many employees as possible coming from the local area. Training and skills development programmes are also being put in place. This is a priority because closing the skills gap in the renewables industry is a crucial part of the energy transition in Bulgaria. Longer term, St. George will continue to provide local employment throughout its 30 plus years of operation.

Sustained Local Jobs

Longer term, the plant will provide local employment for both skilled and semi-skilled labour throughout its 30+ years of operation. Skilled roles will include maintenance technicians, engineers, and project managers. Semi-skilled positions will involve construction workers and operational staff for monitoring equipment, cleaning solar panels, and site security. These jobs will support the local economy and develop a skilled workforce in the community.

Economic Ripple Effect

St. George will also create indirect economic benefits in Silistra Municipality and beyond, including for businesses that will supply goods and services for the project. These benefits will extend to local suppliers, contractors, and service providers, fostering economic growth in the region.

Community Investment

By supporting various projects and initiatives in the project area, St George aims to enhance the quality of life for its residents. This includes investing in education and trainings in renewable energy and other key sectors, university and school collaboration initiatives and capacity building programs. The St George project strives to create a vibrant and thriving community where everyone has the opportunity to prosper.

StakeholderEngagement Plan

St. George solar farm’s goal is to be truly sustainable. That means ensuring that it adds significant, ongoing value throughout the lifetime of the project.

With this in mind, St. George has developed a Stakeholder Engagement Plan which is designed to ensure that the views of all relevant national and local stakeholders are taken into account as the project is developed. This process will continue throughout the operational phase too.

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