St George environmental impact

St. George will make an important contribution to Bulgaria’s clean energy transition, helping to limit the long-term impact of climate change and improving air quality for all Bulgarians.

Clean Energy

Producing a significant % of Bulgaria’s currently-installed solar capacity.

Air Quality

Making a contribution to improving air quality – and therefore human health in Bulgaria.

Climate Benefit

Limiting the long-term effects of climate change which includes more frequent serious flooding and droughts.

Zero Emissions

Helping Bulgarian companies achieve net-zero emissions.

Shaping a brighter Future

Once operational, St. George will be one of the largest solar plants in Bulgaria and will be a big step towards Bulgaria fulfilling its substantial solar potential. The project will also create opportunities for workers to transition away from the coal industry, a vital part of Bulgaria’s ‘just transition’. It will contribute to other priorities as well, including long-term energy security and a reduction in energy bills.

Finally, there will be important benefits for local businesses. The power from St. George will be sold to companies through long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). PPAs offer businesses many things: long-term certainty about the energy price they will pay, peace of mind over the security of supply, and an emission reduction guarantee – which, for companies in the supply chain of multinational firms with comprehensive net zero targets, could be vital to their long-term viability.

Clean energy that protects and restores nature

The St. George solar plant will help improve air quality and achieve a positive outcome for biodiversity

Benefits to wildlife

Rezolv’s sustainability strategy has been built on industry best practice and aligns with international standards, including the Equator Principles and the International Finance Corporation (IFC)’s Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability.

We strive to ensure that each of our energy projects benefits the environment and supports flourishing and sustainable ecosystems. We focus on using our resources efficiently and sustainably, bringing to life projects that have a positive impact on biodiversity.

As standard, we carefully consider and mitigate the effects on wildlife, habitats, and ecosystems to achieve no net loss of biodiversity. In parallel, we identify and proactively explore opportunities to deliver nature positive outcomes for biodiversity during the lifecycle of our projects.

Benefits to health

Air pollution is a major health issue, causing and aggravating respiratory and cardiovascular disease. One particular area of concern is exposure to harmful concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). PM2.5 levels are high across Southeastern Europe, a fact the European Environment Agency (EEA) blames primarily on the burning of solid fuels such as coal for domestic heating and their use in industry.

In 2021, the World Health Organization recommended that, long-term, people should not be exposed to more than 5 micrograms of PM2.5 per cubic metre. The most recent air quality assessments from the EEA rated four of the six Bulgarian cities that were evaluated as “poor” in terms of air quality, meaning that PM2.5 levels were over 15 micrograms per cubic metre. This included Ruse, the evaluated city closest to Silistra. This has a direct impact on human health. The EEA concluded that, in 2021, exposure to PM2.5 concentrations above WHO guideline levels in Bulgaria could be linked to 157 premature deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest rate anywhere in the EU.